let the monks in tibet hear their voice in yours

likely you've seen the images on youtube and in the newspapers...

...chinese security forces brutally attacking unarmed, non-violent protestors, including buddhist monks, in tibet...

but, you don't have to sit idly by and just watch...you can take action right now to help secure the freedom of 15 tibetan monks who were arrested on march 10 for staging a peaceful protest in barkhor, lhasa, the capital of the tibetan autonomous region...

we have no information on the monk's current whereabouts...we don't know the nature of the charges brought against them...and, they're at very high risk of torture or other ill treatment...

what we do know, is that by acting together we can place enormous pressure on the chinese government at a moment when they are trying to put their best face forward in the run up to the 2008 olympic games...by acting now, we can secure the immediate release of the 15 monks and the other peaceful protestors that were detained with them...

in recent days, amnesty international has met with congressional leaders, including speaker of the house nancy pelosi, and with senior white house officials...we are placing enormous pressure on the chinese government to stop the violence, open up the region to foreign reporters and to free peaceful protestors...

but, we need your immediate help to keep the pressure on...
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