Two RNDP MPs Gain Victory in Election Fraud Case

Two RNDP elected representatives gained victory over charges of election fraud filed by USDP candidates when the Union Election Commission in Naypyidaw passed their verdict on Wednesday that they were not guilty of any wrongdoing in the election, said a party source.

"The Union Election Commission passed a verdict yesterday that two elected representatives, U Own Tin and U Kyaw Lwin, are not guilty, and the commission rejected the allegations of USDP candidates against them," said U Ba Shin, who is a representative of the people's parliament from the RNDP.

U Own Tin is an Amyotha Hluttaw representative from Kyaukpru Township for the Rakhine National Development Party, while U Kyaw Lwin is an Arakan State Hluttaw representative from the same township. Both were charged, along with seven other RNDP lawmakers on several counts, including slander of the government, that were leveled by USDP candidates after they lost the election.

�The Union Election Commission decided the cases fairly according to the truth. We appreciate the commission for their verdict,� U Ba Shin Said. �The accusations of the USDP candidates were found to be false, and the commission ordered the USDP candidates to pay one million kyat each in compensation to the RNDP representatives,� the representative said.

U Own Tin was charged by U Aung Tin Thein, a rival candidate from the USDP for Amyotha Hluttaw from Kyaukpru Townhip while U Kyaw Lwin was charged by U Than Aye, a rival candidate from the USDP for Arakan State parliament.

The two candidates from the USDP, U Aung Tin Thein and U Than Aye, asked to amend the election results in the union commission. All those amended facts were related to election fraud but were rejected by the tribunal of Union Election Commission.

U Own Tin and U Kyaw Lwin are the first RNDP representatives to face victory out of the nine facing charges by USDP candidates. The cases of the remaining seven representatives are under the trial and the cases will be decided by the tribunal of the election commission within this month.

The RNDP won 34 seats in Arakan State in the election that was held on 7 November, 2010. After the election, nine elected MPs were charged by USDP candidates with several allegations of fraud.
copy from Narinjara
Copyright 2012 Arakan Today