My Future and My Dream Job

Hello! My name is Vânia and I’m 14 years old. In my free time I usually join my friends and we like watching some movies at home, playing computer games, surfing the internet, horse riding and doing other sports like football.

Ever since I was very young that my dream was to become a veterinary but with time I discovered other jobs. Because I "love" justice, I would like to become a judge. Both jobs would give me some guarantees, but in the end I only hope to have success with the job I will choose...

When the time comes that I have to go to a job interview, I will try to convey the idea of security and confidence and I will defend my ideas and my professionalism. We must show that we don’t fear new challenges.

But nowadays the unemployment rates scare me. I’ve put aside the chances of having a part-time job, although I know they can be good for young people because they give you an idea of what the labour market is and a strong sense of responsibility or autonomy. Like everything in life, part-time jobs have their advantages and disadvantages... It’s a fact that we have less free time to have fun and it can be very tiring but, on the other hand we can meet new people and get some useful experience for the future. Vânia Traguedo, 9ºB

Hi! My name is Francisco and I´m a young boy with many hopes and ambitions for the future, but at the same time I think it´s better to start searching and preventing for the reality and what the best options are.

I´m a very energetic person and I like to innovate and create, so if I had to choose a job right now, I would have these factors in account. I also like technology and mechanics a lot, because these are areas with no limits to the imagination and can have a great impact in our world in a positive and useful way. My dream would be to have an administration post where I could make a difference and make possible things happen, because I like to keep myself involved. But a job that also doesn´t occupy too many work hours of my time would be just perfect! Nowadays, it´s very hard to get a job so I´m very worried about my future.

When I get my first job interview, I’ll have to do everything possible to get the impression that I’m a fantastic worker and real professional. So you have to look confident by looking into the interviewer’s eyes and speak with a strong tone of voice. You have to give him the idea of being someone trustable, sociable by sitting right and straight in the chair. You have to show that you know what you are talking about and that you’re the right person for the job! All these factors are crucial to get the attention of the interviewer.

In the end we all have to be conscious that the job is a reflex of what you are both as a person and a professional.
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