Released Prisoners Honored in Arakan

Taungup: Three released prisoners, released recently in the presidential amnesty, were honored by townspeople in Taungup in Arakan state on the 25th of October for their sacrifices as members of the Burma democracy movement, said a member of the NLD branch in Taungup township.

The three released prisoners -Ko Min Aung, Ko San Lwin and Ko Mrat Tun- were honored with a public ceremony conducted by the NLD.

“The ceremony was held at NLD president U Kyaw Khing's house where over 100 people attended. U Kyaw Khing and other NLD members delivered speeches in the ceremony honoring them for their scarification,” the member of NLD said.

Before the ceremony, a group of NLD members made a procession through the streets, along with Ko Min Aung who is a native of Taungup, holding a banners pronouncing: "We welcome and honor the released political prisoners in our town.”

“Although many townspeople came out the streets to greet Ko Min Aung and the other fellows there were not any disturbances felt from the local authority,” he said.

In the ceremony the Taungup township branch of the NLD gave certificates and gifts to the three released prisoners.

Ko Min Aung who is a secretary of the organization department of the local NLD, was released from Kalay prison on the 12th of October after he served a 4 year prison term. He was arrested during the Saffron Revolution and sentenced to 17 years imprisonment.

Other two prisoners are Ko San Lwin and Ko Mrat Tun who were also released on the 12th of October. Ko San Lwin was released from Thandwe prison in Arakan and Ko Mrat Tun, a native of Pauk Taw, was released from Myung Mya prison in the Irrrawaddy Division.
by Narinjara News
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